Friday, April 15, 2016

酵素扮演的角色 The Roles of Enzymes

‼️ 在消化功能上的辅助 ‼️

人体生命运转所需的养份、能量,皆来自食物的摄取。如果人体的消化系统出现了问题,所造成的将是一连串不良的反应,例如肠胃的问题导致无法吸收油脂,将连带使一些脂溶性的维生素A、D等无法被人体吸收 。因此,如何使营养吸收更有效率,消化酵素扮演了不可缺少的角色。

‼️ 在免疫系统上的增强 ‼️

人体本身有一种自我防御的系统,但是,在现在由於药物滥用 ,使得人体的免疫系统无适应环境中病原菌的侵袭。在许多研究报告也显示,酵素能促进免疫细胞活化,并提升免疫能力。。免疫力的提升,可以使人不容易受到病毒细菌的感染或是很容易从感染中复原 。

‼️ 排除毒素,预防癌症 ‼️


‼️ 预防心血管疾病 ‼️

血管之于人体,就好比家中的水管 ,如果没有好好的保养,那就有阻塞的危险。不过,家里的水管阻塞了,还可以疏通,但人体的血管阻塞,就不是那么好玩了 ,会引起中风、心脏病、高血压等疾病,不容忽视。而日本的传统产品纳豆里所含的纳豆激酶,被证实能有效的溶解造成心血管疾病的血栓〈Thrombus〉,使血液流动变顺畅。

‼️ 肥胖者健康减肥之道 ‼️

肥胖虽然不一定是病,但是,过度的肥病常常容易引起其他的疾病 。许多人会为了减肥,而运用了不适当的方法,但是体重下降了,人也变得不健康了。肥胖的原因很多,饮食习惯、个人体质都有可能是造成肥胖的原因。补充果蔬酵素,可以帮助肥胖者,配合正确的饮食习惯,做最健康的减肥。

The Roles of Enzymes 

Help in Digestion

Human needs nutrients and energy to operate their life. If the body's digestive system has problems, would cause a series of adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal problems lead to the inability to absorb fats, will make some fat-soluble vitamins A, D, etc. can not be absorbed by the body. Therefore, enzymes play an indispensable role on how to increase nutrients absorption efficiency in human body.

Boosting Immune System

The human body contains a self-defense system, but nowadays due to drug abuse, the body's immune system cannot adapt to the invasion of pathogenic bacteria in the environment. In many studies indicate that enzymes can promote immune cell activation and enhance immunity. Therefore, it can make people less susceptible to viral or bacterial infections and can easily recover from the infection.

Detox & Prevent Cancers

As mentioned in the first point, if there is not enough enzyme to help the body break down food into smaller molecules for body adsorption, it is likely to remain in the gut. If the bad bacteria in the gut dominant, it will break down these foods into harmful toxins that carcinogenic. Thus, digestive enzymes can promote the body's metabolism, to reduce the chances of infections.

Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

The blood vessels in the human body, just like home plumbing, if not properly maintained, it would have blocked.
If the body's vascular occlusion, can cause stroke, heart disease, hypertension and other diseases. Japanese traditional products contained natto nattokinase, has been shown to effectively dissolve blood clots that will cause cardiovascular disease <Thrombus>.

Healthy way to Lose Weight

Obesity is not a disease, but excessive obesity prone to other diseases. Many people use inappropriate methods of weight loss, yes, your weight loss, but you are pale and unhealthy. There are many causes of obesity such as diet and physical individuals. Fruit and vegetable enzymes supplement can help obese people, with the right diet, do the most healthy weight loss.

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